
The Knights of Solamnia were once the greatest chivalric order in all the history of Krynn. Now their entire way of life shifts
in the balance between "The Code of Honour" and the truth of what the world has become.
The code of the Knights is "Est Suluras oth Mithas" or "My Honour is my Life" in the common tongue.
All Knights of Solamnia live by this along with the "The Measure".
The three ordres of the Knights of Solamnia are Crown, Sword and Rose. In pre- Cataclysmic times Knights of the Rose were
required to be of Royal blood and there was a need to be able to prove their bloodline before entry was granted.
When Knights take to the battle field in defense of Honour and their Realm they follow the order set forth by "The
Measure". Armies are made up of three brigades, each commanded by a Lord Knight from one of the three orders. All armed
persons acting under the protection or command of the Knights of Solamnia are part of one of these brigades.
The army is commanded by a Warrior Lord, one of the three Lord Knights commanding the three brigades. The Warrior Lord
is chosen by the majority vote of the three Lord Knight commanders; he must exemplify the highest ideals of Knighthood. Recognition
of the Warrior Lord is made openly in Knightly Council. Should a Lord fall in battle, another must step forward and take his
place. Should a Wrrior Lord be lost, then each Lord Knight sepearetly commands his own brigade until a Knightly Council can
be called.

The Knights of Solamnia subscribe to two codes: The Oath and The measure.
The Oath is simply "My Honour is My Life" whilst The Measure is an extensive set of Laws, many volumes in length,
that defines what honour actually means. The Oath and The Measure were compiled from the writings of Vinas Solamnus, the founder
of the Knights of Solamnia, and his successors. The Measure consists of thirty-sven 300 page volumes. The following are some
excerpts from The Measure:-
"The Oath governs all a Knight is and does. It is his life's blood, more sacred to him than life itself."
"The Measure of a Knight is taken by how well he upholds the Oath. We judge a Knight against the Measure and by the
Measure. The Measure of the Rose deals with holy wisdom among the Knights. The Measure of the Sword deals withthe discipline
of Honour among Knights. The Measure of the Crown deals with the disciplines of Loyalty and Obedience."
"No Knight found wanting in the Measure of any Order shall command Knights on the field of battle nor council with
them until repented of his unknightly deeds."