
There are also novels based on the Dragonlance world with a massive following worldwide.
Some of the most well known title's are Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dragons of Winter Night and Dragons of Spring Dawning.
This trilogy tells the story of the "Heroes of The Lance", from them meeting again at The Inn of the Last Home in
the town of Solace to the War of The Lance when the world was fighting the Evil Goddess Takhisis and her Krynn bound minions.
Then there is the "Twins Trilogy" which leads up to the Evil Arch-Mage Raistlin Majere entering the Abyss to
try and kill his Goddess Takhisis and take her place in the Heavens as a God.

an Aurak Draconian |
The world of Dragonlance is home to the Draconians. Draconians were created for the use of Takhisis by her most loyal followers.
Draconians are the human-sized corruptions of good dragon eggs. By using captured good dragon eggs shortly before the
War of the Lance, Wyrllish the cleric, Dracart the mage and the ancient red dragon Harkiel developed the process for corrupting
the eggs into draconians.
Draconians were the crack troops of the Dragon Highlords. Because of their connection to the dragons, draconians are immune
to dragonfear and seem to worship the evil dragons. Draconians are more likely to follow orders than the typical ogre or goblin
(or mercenary, for that matter), some types can use magic, clerical and magic-user spells, and when they are killed each draconian
has a special attack that is carried out at the end of their life. Draconians are immune to human diseases and live to be
1,000 years old.

a Sivak Draconian |

Dragonlance is a campaign setting for RPG games such as Dungeons & Dragons. It pits Good versus Evil in a sword and sorcery
world. The most famous continent on the planet known as Krynn is the continent of Ansalon and is home to heroes and villains
such as Tanis Half-Elven, Caramon Majere, his Evil twin Raistlin Majere, Sturm Brightblade, Kitiara Uth-Matar, Flint Fireforge,
Tasslehoff Burfoot and many many more.
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This is probably one of the most well known and well liked piece's of Art from the Dragonlance saga. |


Fizban The Fabulous, pictured above with the Kender Tasslehoff Burrfoot is a befuddled old man but a powerful wizard never-the-less.
He befriended the companions (they were known as the companions before the War of the Lance) and guided them. He later revealed
himself to be an Avatar of the God Paladine, the enemy of Takhisis the Queen of Darkness.
more on the Heroes of the Lance
personalities from the War of the Lance
Knights of Solamnia